Q. What constitutes a Block Trade?

A. A block trade is a futures transaction executed off the Exchange. In order to be considered a Block Trade, the trade must satisfy the following conditions:

Minimum size


Minimum Block Size

Submisssion Time Requirements
DME Oman Crude Oil Futures (OQD) 50 lots 5 mins
Brent (Singapore Marker) vs. DME Oman Crude Oil Futures (BDS) 5 lots 5 mins
DME Oman Crude Oil Financial (ZGD) 50 lots 5 mins
DME Oman Crude Oil BALMO Futures (DDB) 5 lots 5 mins
DME Oman Crude Oil Calendar Futures (ODO) 5 lots 5 mins
DME Oman Crude Oil European Style Option (OQE) 50 lots 5 mins
DME Oman Crude Oil Average Price Option (DRD) 5 lots 5 mins
  • Price is fair and reasonable in light of the size of the block trade and other transactions done in the same contract at the same time

  • Orders have not been aggregated

  • Order was specified as a "block" by initiating customer in advance

  • Accurate records have been kept by the broker

Q. How do I place a Block Trade order?

A. If the order is for the minimum block size or above, when placing your order with the broker, you need to advise that you wish the trade to be entered as a block trade. The trade details will be entered either into CME ClearPort Clearing or Front End Clearing. To submit Block Trades via CME ClearPort Clearing, counterparties must be registered to use CME ClearPort Clearing. A broker can submit the Block Trade on behalf of the counterparties, or alternatively, the CME ClearPort Facilitation Desk (tel. +1 212 299 2457 or email clearport@cmegroup.com) can also submit the trade to CME ClearPort Clearing on the counterparties' behalf.

For submission of Block Trades for clearing through CME Front End Clearing, the counterparties send details of their Block Trade to their respective Clearing Members, provided the Clearing Members have access to CME Front End Clearing. Access to FEC is granted by the CME to Clearing Members only.

For further details please refer to Rule 6.30 in the DME Rulebook.